Minutes for meeting of March 17, 2016
Greeter: Jack M.
Door Duty: Roger
Sergeant at Arms: Leta
Meeting called to order by President Cosmo at 6:30 p.m.
National Anthem led by Roger
Invocation by Dan
Several more donations to the club in memory of Elsie.
Bowling in April in support of Big Brothers and Big Sisters, more to follow.
Jack M sent around a sign-up sheet for the MS Society in May, still a few open spots.
This was a business meeting and a statement of the clubs restricted and unrestricted funds were discussed, with statements distributed.
Matching grants (from the district) for bus shelters on the road was brought forward by Roger, he will approach at the DLTA this next week for possible funds.
Roof over the walk in fridge at Halliburton Farms was also discussed.
There is a new Rotary Club being chartered in Victoria on Wed. March 30th at the Harbor Towers Hotel.  It will be called the Rotary Club of Downtown Victoria.  A gift should be sent and the D.G. thought at least $100.00. They will start at 5.30 PM. Cost is $20.00 please bring cash.
SERGEANT AT ARMS:  Leta was Sarge and fined for Happy and Sad $$$$.
50/50 DRAW
Jack M. won the 50/50 draw, but got the white marble. 
NEXT MEETING:  Pub night @ Brentwood Bay Lodge.
Greeter and Note taker:  Carolyn
Door Duty:  Ian
Sergeant at Arms:  Barry
Meeting adjourned. 
Minutes prepared by Jack M.