Minutes for meeting of November 26, 2015
Greeter: Donna Garvin
Door Duty: Jack Gallop
Meeting called to order by Cosmo at 6:30pm.
National Anthem: All members
Invocation: Ian Morley
Guests tonight:
Dr. Trevor Hancock – Speaker presentation on “Creating Healthy Communities”
Franzi Frank – Exchange student from six years ago
The speaker was Dr. Trevor Hancock, from the UVIC Speaker’s Bureau.  The focus of his presentation, was on determining how we know when we have a healthy community, and what needs to happen to achieve it.
Dr. Hancock stated that local governments are the key to creating healthy communities.  It is municipal governments, working with individuals at the local level that “get it”.  They realize more than a strong economy is needed.  Social issues need to be addressed, natural and infrastructure environments are important, educational and training opportunities need to be available.  “People are the real wealth of nations”.  One of the roles of municipal governments, is to educate and lobby provincial and federal governments, on the needs of their communities. 
Franzi Frank was connected with our Club six years ago, when she was an exchange student from Germany.  She has returned for a visit, and is staying with Gordon and Nina Benn, as well as Carolyn and Ian Morley.
Over the past six years, Franzi obtained a Bachelor’s Degree, and is currently working towards a Master’s Degree in International Management.  She is living in Atlanta at present, working as an Intern at a Product Management company.
A request has been made by Claremont Secondary School.  They are interested in the Games Booths our Club has in place for Canada Day and the Fall Fair.  With the goal of creating a successful “Dry Grad”, they would like our Club to offer these games at this event, or rent them out for their use.  The “Dry Grad” is scheduled for Wednesday, June 29th from midnight to 4:00 a.m.
It was agreed we would not be interested in renting the booths.  Carolyn will get back to the organizers to get a few more details so we can decide if we want to run booths for this event.  It is possible our Club will offer the games, based on more information.  If a decision is made to go ahead with games for this event, volunteers to run the games include Ian, Carolyn, Cosmo, Leta, Donna and Roger. 
Carolyn has booked the Jazziniah Café, as a tentative venue for the Club Christmas party on Tuesday, December 8th at 6:00 p.m.  This venue is located by the Capital Iron in Sidney, has an intimidate atmosphere, and would only be open that evening for our party. 
Based on her presentation at tonight’s meeting, and feedback from Club members, a couple of decisions were made.  Carolyn can confirm the booking at this venue, as more than the minimum of 15 people agreed to attend.  Carolyn will advise the restaurant that Members are interested in the turkey dinner only.
Ian fined a couple of members, and was offered a few happy dollars.
50/50 DRAW
Leta was the winner tonight, but no lucky marble.
Greeter/Notetaker: Barry
Door Duty: Donna
NEXT WEEK’S GUEST SPEAKER – Dr. Patricia Roy, “A Humorous History of Highways in BC”
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Donna Garvin