Minutes for meeting of November 19, 2015
Greeter: Jack Gallop
Door Duty: Maria Furmek
Meeting called to order by Cosmo at 6:30pm.
National Anthem: All members
Invocation: Roger Hind
Guest tonight:
Newton Hockey – Peninsula Streams Society
The speaker was Newton Hockey.  He retired as an Electrical Engineer 25 years ago and he moved to this area from Vancouver.  He spoke as a member of Peninsula Streams, an environmental organization that focuses on the care and the maintenance of local waterways.
Peninsula Streams was formed in 2002 as an amalgamation of several like-minded environmental organizations.  It has between 200-300 members.  It has two salaried employees:  a Biologist and a Community Coordinator.   Its process for action is:
Need -  Funding – Community Support – Expertise and Equipment – Improvement
Peninsula Streams cares for eight local creeks and rivers.  It gives school talks and is connected regularly with nine schools.  To date, it has addressed 3100+ students.  Its financial status is:
          Budget:  $100,000
          Project Budget:  $300,000
Its primary expenses are for machinery and for consultants.
The Salvation Army Kettle Drive.  Our club’s organizer for this program is Jack MacAulay and he produced a signup sheet.  The dates for the drive are DEC 5, 12 and 19. 
Maria Furmek gave an update on our Membership status.
Rotary’s contribution to the Refugee Crisis is currently in progress.
Peninsula Celebration.  Our club will provide three judges for the regatta:  Cosmo, Donna and Maria.
A club Christmas Party has been tentatively scheduled for DEC 9th.  It may be located at a local restaurant or pub.  Carolyn Morley will attempt to determine a location.
Bottle collection for Santa’s Anonymous:  Donna Garvin will organize.
Carolyn Morley fined two members – a lead footed Dentist and an improperly dressed President.
50/50 DRAW
No winner tonight.
Greeter/Notetaker: Donna Garvin
Door Duty: Jack Gallop
Sergeant at Arms: Jack M.
NEXT WEEK’S GUEST SPEAKER – Dr. Trevor Hancock, “Creating Healthy Communities”
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Jack Gallop