Minutes for meeting of March 10, 2016
Greeter: Roger
Door Duty: Donna
Sergeant at Arms: Jack M.
Meeting called to order by President Cosmo at 6:30 p.m.
National Anthem led by Roger
Invocation by Dan
Helen Fletcher and Giulio Morie, Village Ministries Victoria Branch
Victoria District Literacy roundtable meeting notes were received: Bookmarks (purpose of which is to heighten awareness of literacy programs) are available from Jim Force with the Oak Bay Club, or at DLTA where he will present on April 2 @ noon.
Please look at web site www.facebook.com/1000x5.ca  The Rotaract Club has raised $273 for 1,000 x 5 projects this Rotary year. Total campaign to date has raised $18,000, and purchased 3,500 baby books.
Stelly’s Secondary school is looking for assistance from individuals who can assist with the “Graduation Interview Day” this year, scheduled for Tuesday April 12.  If interested, morning or afternoon sessions are available for sign-up.  Lunch will also be served that day at the school—talk to Leta or Donna.
PROGRAM:  Child Soldiers and the Ebola Crisis in Liberia
Helen Fletcher R.N., a Canadian from Victoria, started her Ministry on a Mercy Ship moored in Liberia, West Africa where she  met Pastor Eric Sumo in 2006 (Liberian Christian Outreach Society, www.villageministries.com).
She discussed the historical outcome of the 14 year Civil war started by Charles Taylor, who was intent on deposing President Doe of Liberia. Charles, born in Liberia, took a degree in the U.S., and had worked in the government of Liberia, but was accused of embezzlement. He fled to Libya and was trained as a guerrilla, returning to Liberia in 1989 as the leader of the National Patriotic front of Liberia. 
He was elected as Liberian president in 1997. During his term of office, Taylor was accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity as a result of his involvement in the Sierra Leone Civil War (1991–2002). Domestically, opposition to his regime grew, culminating in the outbreak of the Second Liberian Civil War (1999–2003). By 2003, Taylor had lost control of much of the countryside and was formally indicted by the Special Court for Sierra Leone. In April 2012, eleven charges were levied by the Special UN Court - including terror, murder and rape.  In May 2012, Taylor was sentenced to 50 years in prison, and is incarcerated in County Durham, UK. 
Charles Taylor’s legacy was bands of armed young men in Liberia (Child soldiers), whom he had addicted to cocaine and encouraged to commit acts of terror within the country. Pastor Eric and Helen started a program to assist these child soldiers to trade in their guns for vocational training, and gave them tools to learn trade skills, to stop the cycle. Their work includes training people for beneficial work, and then having them act as educators to other villages including: Tailoring, Carpentry, Auto mechanics, Agriculture, Cosmetology and Cooking. They also train individuals as disciples in Christian ministry.
Helen then discussed the consequences of the Ebola crisis of 2014-2015 in Liberia.  Their ministry started educating Liberians about the disease, as well as providing sanitation kits and food (rice) to many villages, where misinformation had caused outbreaks and left countless orphans. They shared information on the critical importance of hand washing, diet, sexual contact and care of the remains of Ebola victims to prevent further spread of the disease.  Due to polluted water and cholera outbreaks they are also keen to identify villages that require clean water projects—a possible future Rotary project- cost approx. $5,000.00 per well.  Funds are short for all their ministries.
Numerous questions were asked and Dan Rippin thanked the speaker.
SERGEANT AT ARMS:  Leta assisted Jack M. by fining everyone a Happy Dollar.
50/50 DRAW
Won by Jack M. but no blue marble was drawn, so the pot grows bigger ($80).
NEXT MEETING:  March 17thBusiness Meeting
Greeter and Note taker:  Jack M.
Door Duty:  Roger
Sergeant at Arms:  Leta
Meeting adjourned. 
Minutes prepared by Roger