September 30, 2015
Greeter/Note taker: Ian
Door Duty:  Linda
  1. Meeting called to order @ 6:30 p.m. by President Cosmo
  2. National Anthem sang by members
  3. Invocation offered by Dan Rippin
Guests tonight included Paul Boyer and our guest speaker, Alix Hotsenpiller from the Rock Solid Foundation.
  1. Maria attended the District Membership Summit over the past weekend and has well, has agreed to participate in the Public Relations Committee.
  2. The Fall Fair statements were handed out.
  3. Letter from Terry Toone advising of the opportunity to recognize Rotarians for their significant efforts to eradicate Polio.  Nomination forms have been received.
Program - Business Meeting
Alix Hotsenpiller spoke of Rock Solid, a bullying prevention program aimed at elementary schools.  It is part of/in conjunction with the WITS program (Walk away, Ignore, Talk it Out, Seek Help).  Alix has been with Rock Solid for 4 years.  Rock Solid began in response to incidents in the community, particularly, the Rena Virk tragedy.  Subsequently, Uvic conducted a study of the WITS program and found it to statistically result in a decrease in bullying.  The program has grown from Esquimalt to across Canada.  Alix said that labeling someone a “bully” is generally not helpful; this situation often has a more complicated dynamic.  Alix said bullying can go onto to affect development into adult life.  Rock Solid has a website on which training information is available.  They also will provide their programming into schools at a cost of appx. $500 per school, per year.  In schools, the program is more focused on prevention rather than incident response and there is an emphasis on seeking help. 
Sergeant at Arms
Ian filled in as Sergeant tonight in Rob’s absence.  Ian fined Dan for forgetting the pig once again, Barry for telling Dan to put the pig in his car, only to have Dan leave the car at the repair shop.  Hermann was fined for saying that the northern Germans sounded like Scots.  Leta was fined for suggesting that the Sergeant at Arms should take the WITS program. 
Happy & Sad Dollars:
Cosmo had a happy dollar for kayaking.
Marble Draw:
Dan had the winning ticket, but unfortunately did not pull the lucky marble.
Next Week’s Program:
John Jordan, Mission in Rwanda
Duties for September 7, 2015
Greeter and Note taker – Carolyn
Door Duty – Ian
Sergeant at Arms – TBA